About Me

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I’ve been personal training since 2005. I gained my qualifications through YMCA and NASM. I've been studying Martial Arts since 2002. I’m currently 3 times World Full Contact Kickboxing Champion and still compete on a regular basis. I know what it takes to achieving goals and take pride in not making any of my clients do anything that I have not tried and tested myself. I love to motivate others so challenge me to get results today! Qualifications: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer Level 3. YMCA Gym Instructor Level 2. YMCA Circuit Training. YMCA Client Lifestyle and Fitness Assessment. YMCA Exercise Nutrition. Professional Fitness Kettlebell Instructor. 1st Dan Black Belt in Kickboxing and Jeet Kune Do. For more information visit www.nataliebee.co.uk

Thursday 16 September 2010

Grading Success

On Saturday 11th September I had various students taking part in their kickboxing gradings at Bulldog Gym in Bournemouth. It was an absolute success as expected with everyone passing and some even getting full marks because they couldn't be faulted in any way by the examiner.

I would like to congratulate the following students:

Ryan Bailey (Aged 8) - Passed both Youth Red/White and Orange Belt
Sam Brake - Passed both Yellow and Yellow/White Belt
Ashley Smith - Passed Yellow Belt
Christine Burns - Passed Yellow/White Belt
Jonathan Scarff - Passed Orange Belt
Heather Macphail - Passed both Orange and Orange/White Belt

I'm very proud of all my students who showed a high level of technique, fitness and attitude on the day, roll on the next grading, hopefully December time.

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